Besök !! 26 januari, 2013 1 av helenj Dom här är ofta på besök hos mig! Dom är välkomna, gör ingen skada tycker jag. I våras åt dom visserligen upp lite tulpaner men jag har inte så många…. !! Så dom får gärna vara här !!
Actually, as soon as the TSA/UN government are given the choice between &#o393ffending ; 350 million American non-muslims – or offending a few million American muslims – I think there is no doubt which way a politician would jump. Imagine 1 million people suing the TSA for assault, 4th. amendment rights grievances & sexual abuse.If that does not work – the next time you see a Niqub go straight through without being searched – threaten to sue them for profiling (non-muslim = guilty).